Mar 31, 2011

Protein Could Be New Target to Reduce Damage After Heart Attack

Scientists have identified a protein that plays a key role in debilitating changes that occur in the heart after a heart attack, according to research reported in Circulation Research: Journal of the American Heart Association
Fatih Arslan, Mirjam B. Smeets, Paul W. Riem Vis, Jacco C. Karper, Paul H. Quax, Lennart G. Bongartz, John H. Peters, Imo E. Hoefer, Pieter A. Doevendans, Gerard Pasterkamp, and Dominique P. de Kleijn. Lack of Fibronectin-EDA Promotes Survival and Prevents Adverse Remodeling and Heart Function Deterioration After Myocardial Infarction. Circ. Res.,, Feb 2011

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